illustration gallery
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“full of love”
book cover
For this illustration I wanted to create an image to spark my imagination for a children’s book with no words. I wanted it to reflect on my time growing up and moving all over town. My dad built seven homes for my family while I was growing up. I want to continue crafting the book by drawing each house built into the tree and the further down the trunk, the older the houses get, until reaching the bottom where my roots lie.
Passion project creating an idea for a children’s book illustration.
Study the way bark moves and create a sketch of the illustration. Refine as a line the drawing with micron pens to add detail and texture.
Client: Children’s Book: “Full of Love”
Category: Illustration
Deliverables: Book Cover
NOTE: I am currently working on the rest of the pages for this book. The illustration above will be one of the pages
The Gregs are a creation of my own imagination and creativity when I allow myself to have full freedom. The inspiration for this project came out of seeing what would happen if I created a character or illustration solely based off a name. I came up with ten names that all start with “G”, and then started composing the creatures. I wanted each character to have their own individual flavors while still looking cohesive. I focused on line quality and the tiny little details that end up making all the difference in the end.
Create a ten page zine that reflects your art style.
Create ten names that all start with “g” and create characters that reflect their names without thinking about the outcome..
Client: Point Loma Art Club
Category: Illustration
Deliverables: 4x6” zine
the Gregs

I chose to recreate The Pietà by Michelangelo, The Virtruvian Man by Leanardo de Vinci, and The Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist. I used a mixed media of charcoal, paint, and calligraphy inking. My inspiration for this came from understanding how to draw the body and all of the details that go into it before actually sketching out the figures. I wanted to bring the behind the scenes drawing quality to the forefront of my work and emphasize its connections through use of white paint markers.
Take three famous paintings or drawings and recreate them with your own personal style.
Found three famous pieces of art to recreate. Focused on the way the bodies are positioned and used an array of mixed media to achieve the drawing style.
Client: Driftwood Art Magazine
Category: Illustration, Visual Art
Deliverables: Three mixed media drawings, 8.5x11”
reframing the greats